The neck area is notoriously forgotten when applying your daily skincare regimen, despite this area being one of the first to show signs of aging. The most prevalent neck concerns are vertical muscle bands, excess fat under the chin and sagging skin. Skin on the neck is thin, and tends to weaken and wrinkle earlier than facial skin, leading to sagging tissue in the jaw, neck and decolletage. Dr. Horvath is a Philadelphia board-certified plastic surgeon and aesthetics expert who can help you restore a graceful neck with non-surgical neck lift.
Your Non-Surgical Neck Lift Options & How They Work
The specifics of your non-surgical neck lift at Horvath Aesthetics are dependent on your aesthetic concerns. In some cases, injectables such as Sculptra, Radiesse, Kybella and Botox may be used. In others, skin rejuvenation with Plasma Skin Resurfacing may be preferable, either alone or in combination with injectables.
Nefertiti Lift
The Nefertiti Lift uses Botox to create the appearance of a longer, thinner neck that the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti was known for in her time. Botox is used to target the platysma muscles that begin at the collarbone and extend to the base of the face. The injectable reduces the appearance of neck bands by relaxing and temporarily immobilizing the muscles. Botox can also smoothen lines, dimples and wrinkles in the chin and lower face. Botox improves symmetry for a more graceful neck appearance.
Sculptra is an injectable made with poly-L-lactic acid and works to increase collagen production in your skin. Sculptra does not provide instant results like other injectables. Instead, it works “behind the scenes” to provide gradual, anti-aging results that strengthen and revitalize the skin’s inner structure for more volume. Sculptra can treat the decolletage and neck area for smoother, supple skin.
Radiesse uses calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA), a mineral-esque compound found in human bones. The CaHA used in Radiesse is synthetically made and improves neck wrinkles and loose, sagging skin with immediate results. Radiesse also stimulates collagen and elastin production to restore a youthful neck contour. The CaHA provides the building blocks for collagen and elastin to replace the particles, which leads to longer-lasting benefits and a renewed skin structure.
Kybella targets the “double chin” that may accumulate with weight gain, age or genetics. This injectable uses deoxycholic acid to dissolve the fat pockets in the submental area by both destroying and liquefying fat cells that are then absorbed by the body. Kybella is a one-of-a-kind injectable that is FDA-approved to reduce the double chin effect, which is difficult to improve with diet and exercise alone.
Thread Neck Lift
Thread Neck Lift uses unique, absorbable sutures to lift and tighten loose skin without performing surgery. The thread is made from a complex sugar polydioxanone, or PDO, which is a safe suture material that has been used in orthopedic and cardiovascular surgeries for over 30 years. Treatments involve minimal pain and minimal downtime, and the results can be immediate and last up to 12 months.
Not only can Thread Neck Lift improve the appearance of sagging skin, but threads can help promote the stimulation of collagen which helps to improve skin elasticity, texture, fine lines and volume for a beautiful rejuvenation.
If you’re interested in a non-surgical neck lift, schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Horvath today by calling (215) 884-2880.